All the landing page says is:
We believe every individual has the power to make a difference.
We exist for one single purpose:
So that more and more people discover their own
power to make good things happen.
Once you log in, you can start a discussion about anything. But there is no real moderator or guiding hand. There is a rating system for members and posts similar to Slashdot, with the front page content determined by users' preferences and ratings. It is all very emergent.
By contrast, the Skoll Foundation's Social Edge is much more structured. Its t
Last week, the editor of SocialEdge, Victor D'Allant, was in town for a series of presentations and discussions. When asked the difference between the two sites, he said it is like the diff
The interesting thing - and a point made by Victor - is that it takes a while for communities to gain critical mass and a "personality." I joined both when they were lauched a couple of years ago, but I used them only occasionally at the beginning. Suddenly in the past few months they have both reached some sort of tipping point of usefulness, and I find myself visiting both much more often.